📔Technical Overview
Technical Overview of ZKP2P
ZKP2P is an ambitious project that aims to provide a seamless bridge between traditional financial systems (web2) and decentralized financial ecosystems (web3). This technical overview elucidates the core components and architecture that enable the functionalities of ZKP2P.
Tech Stack
The ZKP2P project comprises an end-to-end protocol that includes the following main components:
Circuits: The circuits are crucial for the verification of transaction details while preserving the privacy of sensitive information.
Smart Contracts: Smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain enable trustless transactions and manage the logic of the protocol.
User Interface (UI): The UI is the front-end through which users interact with the protocol.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK proofs)
A pivotal technology in ZKP2P is the utilization of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK proofs), particularly in verifying DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signatures in payment confirmation emails. These proofs allow the protocol to verify the authenticity of transactions without revealing any sensitive information.
Smart Contracts
The core of ZKP2P lies in its smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and its Layer 2 (L2) solutions.
📜Smart ContractsCircuits
Circuits in ZKP2P are responsible for generating proofs related to payment transactions.
⚡CircuitsApplication Flow
The application flow for ZKP2P is designed to ensure a user-friendly experience for both onrampers and offrampers
🤝User GuidesZK-Email Libraries
ZKP2P builds upon the 0xParc/PSE ZK-Email libraries to enable proof generation related to the contents of payment confirmation emails. These libraries are essential for verifying transaction details without exposing private information.
TLSNotary Libraries
ZKP2P utilizes TLSNotary for certain flows (i.e. Revolut) to enable TLS data to be used on-chain in a privacy preserving way.
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