Frequently Asked Questions
Can you integrate with registrars other than Namecheap?
Yes, we can integrate with any registrar that sends emails when a domain is pushed from one account to another on that registrar, and the email contains necessary transfer details. If you wish to have a particular registrar integrated, please contact us in our Telegram.
Is it possible to bid using USDC or other on-chain assets?
Yes, we can facilitate bidding using any on-chain asset, including USDC. It is in the works.
What are the risks associated with using the zkp2p domain marketplace?
😬RisksCheck out our risks page.
I'm concerned about privacy - Why should I grant read access to my email inbox?
🔓Privacy and SafetyCheck out our privacy and safety page.
Other questions? Please reach out to us via the links in the Resources section.
Last updated