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Frequently Asked Questions


Can you integrate with payment services other than Venmo/HDFC?

Yes, we can integrate with any payment service worldwide that issues an email containing the necessary transaction details upon payment. If you wish to have a particular payment provider integrated, please contact us in our Telegram.

Can you integrate with currencies other than USD/INR?

Yes. We can support all fiat currencies, provided there's an associated payment service that sends transaction confirmation emails. We aim to eventually relax the email requirement and broaden our provenant data sources beyond email confirmations.

Is it possible to on-ramp to ETH or other on-chain assets?

Yes, we can facilitate on-ramping to any on-chain asset, including ETH. It is in the works.

What are the risks associated with using zkp2p?

Check out our risks page.


I'm concerned about privacy - Why should I grant read access to my email inbox?

Check out our privacy and safety page.

🦺Privacy and Safety

Other questions? Please reach out to us via the links in the Resources section.

Last updated